Monday, August 21, 2017

2017 Solar Eclipse

Today my granddaughter and I spent the afternoon witnessing the solar eclipse of 2017 here in Southeast Texas.  Unfortunately, we were not in any of the areas of totality, but being able to see even a 70% eclipse of the sun was awesome especially for my granddaughter, since this was her very first one to observe.  After we returned home I had a feeling of euphoria from such a wonderful event with her, but what was really bummed me out was the fact that we did not experience the ultimate- a solar eclipse in the path of totality- when the day darkens like night.  I hear it is a humbling experience.  But then I came across something that excited me beyond belief.  I came across an article that stated that the next solar eclipse to cross the U.S. would be on April 8, 2024.  Just seven years away!  What's even more exciting to me is where the path of totality would be- right across the state of Texas!  The closest to us would be Dallas which is only 300 miles away!  I’m already in the planning stages seven years in advance to make sure we are able to experience this wonderful event.

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